In 2018, Walt Disney World premiered the Guardians of the Galaxy Awesome Mix Live show at EPCOT.  The show has become a summer staple at the American Pavilion stage.  Based on characters from Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy, the concert show provides guests a chance to experience the movie in a whole new way.  While an alien band from Xandar plays favorite hits from Awesome Mix Volumes 1 & 2, you and your family can sing, dance and celebrate with a few out-of-this-world eats and sips created just for this intergalactic concert. 

We had the pleasure of providing editorial support for all the show files, documentation and promotion for this fantastic show.  This was a technical feat for the WDW Broadcast team as it features custom animation across multiple screens that is timed and interacts with the show performers.  It required a great deal of man hours, and renders, to pull it off, but the result is well worth the effort.